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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Nokia N79 - The Great Comes From Nokia

Despite Nokia’s recent “dual-slide” design trend, it has still been dedicated to producing quality candybar phones. This particular model surprised me in ways no candybar had for a long time. It is different in ways both large and subtle. The first thing you will notice about the N79 is the white frontal outline. I found this to be a very aesthetically pleasing feature as it reflects light more gently than silver or black outlines.The keypad comprises of all-flat depressed buttons save for four rice-like keys and the N-series trademark...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Kawan lama berubah PONDAN???

Astaghafirullah al 'azim.. Ape la nak jadi ngan dunia skrg ni.. Petanda awal nak kiamat kot.. Isk! Muluuuttt.. cepular btol! (cepular?) Tadi aku dapat SMS dari kawan aku satu kolej, tahun 2003-2006 dulu.. Skrg maseh keep in touch kalu ade ape2.. Edy nama dia.. Bunyik SMS die camni..SMS #1 - "Bro.. Awat ngan kawan kita sorang ni? Ang jaga dia camna dulu ha? Kalu ang nak taw skrg dia dh brubah jd PONDAN! Ang tgk msj ni.. Sat lg aku forward kat ang.."SMS #2 (forward) - "Sape Alia??? Aku bukan Alia yg ko knl lg! Berambus ko dr idop aku! Alia yg ko knl dlu skrg dh brubah! Aku skrg PONDAN yg bernama...

Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Launch in Malaysia

11 December 2008 – Our industry sources have informed us that the highly anticipated Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will be launched in the second week of January 2009.Apparently, the new Nokia 5800 XpressMusic will enjoy a public unveiling at a high-tempo event. That is all I can say for now, but do stay tuned for more!Read my review, previously, about Nokia 5800 XpressMusic Internation...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Karangan Budak SPM

Repost: Hakhakhakhakhakhak..!...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Pegang Awek & Pegang Anjing

LEMBU: Hai anjing, apa habaq? Macam ada yg tak kena je?ANJING: Aku tengah tension nih.. Mau je aku gigit manusia tadi..LEMBU: Eh! kenapa?ANJING: Aku lalu tepi dua orang manusia lelaki dan perempuan yg sedang berkepit.. Tetiba si lelaki terperanjat dan terus melompat dan berkata "Hoi anjing! Pergi jauh-jauh! Cis najis!".LEMBU: Ya, lah.. Ko kan haram.. Najis tahap berat bagi manusia.. Biasalah tu..ANJING: Kalau aku najis sekali pon, kalau dia tersentuh aku, boleh disamak. Yang dia sentuh dan raba-raba awek dia tu apa? Boleh ke nak samak dosa?LEMBU: Betul gak kata kau tu.. Memegang wanita yg bukan...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Video Ainul..

Video bersama anak saudara aku, anak kpd abg sulong aku, Ainul Rabiatul Adawiyah.. Masa ni petang Hari Raya Aidiladha semalam.. Sje je post.. Best tgk die makan.. Cam abah die gak kuat makan.. Hakhakhak.. Kecik2 abah die dah latih die pkai barang kemas.. Cincin emas.. Rantai emas.. Gelang emas.. Siap ada permata lg.. Isk3.. Rantai tu sbenarnya yg abah die punye.. Ada tokey Caltex, cina, bg kat die time die kecik2 dlu.. Tahun 1970-an gak la.. So bila dah besar ni xkan die nak pkai kan.. Org laki kan HARAM pkai emas.. So die bg la kat anak die ni...

Sunday, December 07, 2008

My Celcom Broadband Return

Yes! Yes! Akhirnyaaaaa..! Penantian penuh penyeksaan.. No internet means I'm dying.. Hakhakhak.. Baru td dalam kol 3 member aku, Uzeyr aka Uzairi, anto aku nyer berukband.. Dah 3 ari die pinjam berukband aku.. die x berkira pn aku pnjam laptop die slama sebulan! Last2 die pnjam berukband, aku plak resah ke sana ke mari xde tenet.. Maksud aku pegi CC sana pegi CC sini.. Ye la.. Aku bkn saje layan blog.. Dah keje aku pn related ngan internet.. xde internet slow la progress development phase aku.. Smalam saje dah berkali-kali aku call si Uzeyr sampai...

Shah Rukh Khan to help develop local film

Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, who received his Datukship yesterday, has agreed to assist the state in developing the local film industry including shooting a movie here next year. Shah Rukh said a team from Mumbai would visit Malacca sometime next August or September to scout for possible movie locations.“There is a film I am planning to shoot some time in August and Sep­tember and I will send a team to look around Malacca,” he told reporters at a press conference after receiving his Darjah Mulia Seri Melaka (DMSM) from Governor Tun Mohd...

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Sufiah Yusof lakukan kerja amal

Wanita genius matematik yang juga bekas pelajar Universiti Oxford, Sufiah Yusof, 23, menyesal dengan tindakannya terbabit pelacuran. Perkara itu didedahkan Pengarah Perancangan dan Strategi Kumpulan Penyokong dan Pengasuh Profesional Islam (Pisang), Hanafi Abdul Malek, semalam.“Dia dah tak buat lagi kerja tu dan kini hanya aktif melakukan kerja amal. Melalui e-mel yang dihantar kepada saya kira-kira seminggu selepas Aidilfitri lalu, Sufiah kata dia betul-betul menyesal dengan perbuatan itu. Kami juga ada menghubungi agensi teman sosial yang menguruskan...

Blogspot OR Blogpsot?

Selepas aku post entry sblom ni smlm, aku ade wat research serba sedikit psl blogspot yang link ke web Bible ni.. Ade gak aku cuba2 link ke web yang hampir sama dengan link asal web tersebut.. Maksud aku, contohnya aku taip link atau Dan macam2 lagi.. Tapi semalam dah lewat and mata aku pun ngantuk gile.. Dah kol 5 pagi rupa2nya.. Then aku off laptop aku.. Kol 6 lbh baru aku tido.. Skrg baru aku bangkit, trus je aku post entry ni..Tahukah anda??? Kesilapan anda menaip http://<blog anda> akan link ke...

Link aku direct ke web Bible???

Astaghfirullah.. Macam mana mende ni bleh berlaku? Kepada kawan2, aku minta maaf banyak2 jika ade link aku ni direct ke link web promo Bible.. Sesungguhnya, aku mengaku aku silap taip link aku.. Dan sesungguhnya, aku takde nak promo haramjadah Bible tu kat orang laen, yakni menyesatkan org dgn promo Bible.. MasyaAllah..Mende ni aku x perasan sbenarnya, sehinggalah Nas dan chUNk inform aku melalui YM.. Diorg ckp link yg aku mesej dlm CBOX chUNk direct link ke web Bible.. Aku punye la terkezut.. Eh? Aku link ke blog aku ok jer.. xde ape2 pn.. Then...

Monday, December 01, 2008

Loudness Rock Band's Drummer Munetaka Higuchi Dies

"Higuchi performed on songs for Odin, Shonan Bakusozoku, Animetal, eX-Driver"Munetaka Higuchi, the drummer and co-founder of the Japanese heavy metal band Loudness, passed away on Sunday at about 10:00 a.m. in a hospital in Osaka, Japan. He was 49. Akira Takasaki, the guitarist who met Higuchi during high school before forming Loudness, announced the news on his personal website on the same day. The official website for Loudness had announced in April that Higuchi had been diagnosed with stomach cancer, and later reported in September that Higuchi...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

with chUNk

Semalam tgh duk godek2 laptop ni terjumpa plak skeping (pnggil skeping ke?) gambo.. Eh? Lupe lak.. Sbnrnye gambo ni dah lama.. Dlm 2 minggu lepas la kot.. Masa tu si chUNk ni nak bergambo ngan aku.. "Nak buh dlm blog," katanya.. So aku pn snap la satu gambo ngan beliau.. Beliau, boleh??? Hakhak.. Masa tu kat dlm opis.. So aku pn ckp la kat die aku nak satu.. Nak buh gak dalam blog.. Then aku ngn chUNk pose la depan opis.. Nampak x kat bawah neh? Cewah..! Last2, aku lupa.. Smlm baru jumpa balik gambo nin.. Isk..! Agak2 chUNk dah lama buh gambo yg...

Friday, November 28, 2008


Hari2 ujan.. Hujan2 hari.. Asal ari nak ujan dengar lagu Hujan.. (Uish ape yg aku merepek nih..)Cano eh ako nak balik kalo ujan jo ari2 eh.. Lencun ako dalam perjalanan kang eh.. Ekau pe tauuu.. Hakhak.. gedik lak cakap loghat nogori.. macam la aku ni pndai sangat.. Eden toraiii..Merapu aku kali ni adalah tentang ujan.. Asyik bulan 11, 12 mesti ujan.. Asalkan ujan mesti bulan 11, 12.. (Eh? mcm bln yg laen x ujan ke?) Ahaks.. Maksud aku, mesti musim tengkujuh, musim ujan, ngan musim banjir.. time bulan2 camni la slalu terjadi.. Apo kan dayo Jang...

Samsung Omnia first WinMo handset to get DivX certification

DivX today announced certification of the Samsung Omnia, the newest handset in a growing series of DivX Certified(R) mobile products by Samsung.The Samsung Omnia is the first Windows Mobile-based DivX Certified phone on the market and the fourth Samsung mobile to achieve DivX Certification(TM). The phone features 8GB/16GB of internal memory with a microSD slot, allowing users to keep a media library on the device, and easily enjoy their video on a large 3.2-inch touch screen. It also features a TV-Out feature to play back content from the phone directly on the television screen. This powerful...

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Chat Yang CamXBest Di Pagi Hari

Arini aku chat ngan sorg officemate aku, Alang.. Kitorg chat pasal minah Jasper Dungun yang amik exam SCWCD.. Sbenarnya kitorg dah kecoh2 sblom ni pasal ke'kantoi'an sorg minah Jasper Kemaman.. Kesnya si minah ni jwb smua soalan dlm masa 15 minit dan mendapat 88%~!!! Cuba count2 balik, at least 3 or 4 soalan die jawab dlm 1 minit~!!! Gile.. Soalan SCWCD ni kalu programmer yg experience 3-4 thn pn meraba-raba sampai biru muka nak jawab exam ni, ini kan pulak budak hingusan Java yang xde basic J2EE, xde experience dlm J2EE scopework! X ke curiga Prometric (yang handle exam tu).. Sure lah diorg curiga...

Nokia N78 - The N73's Successor

Nokia N78 finally got into our grubby little hands, the N73’s successor carries the same multimedia functionality as before but it comes with a couple of significant upgrades this time around.The N78’s design is in its full candybar glory, and as with most modern phones they are covered in either plate glass or fingerprint magnets like the rear plastic covers. The design isn’t overly innovative or attractive but we won’t call it ugly either.The device is equipped with a 2.4 inch 16 million-colour display of QVGA resolution. The screen size and...

Monday, November 24, 2008

Malaysian worker dies after being attacked by white tigers

A Malaysian contract worker died after being attacked by three white tigers at the Singapore Zoo on Thursday. The worker has been identified as Nordin Bin Montong. Zoo officials said the 32-year-old had jumped into a moat at the white tiger enclave and was subsequently mauled to death by the white tigers.Police said they received a report at 12.30pm about a man sustaining neck injuries at the zoo. Paramedics were called to the scene and Nordin was pronounced dead at 12.45pm. Biswajit Guha, assistant director, Singapore Zoo, said: "Prior to the incident, the zookeepers had actually noticed that...

Wow! Samsung i900 Omnia!

COMBINING work and fun in one small convenient package is certainly no easy task for any smartphone. Fortunately, Samsung’s new i900 smartphone, better known as the Omnia, looks to deliver everything you need and wish for in a mobile phone.It is a unique blending of a phone with smartphone capabilities sporting enhanced features such as a 5-megapixel camera, a large touchscreen display and built-in GPS support.However, does the Omnia (which means “everything” in Latin and “wish” in Arabic) have what it takes to match up to the masses of smartphones...

See what I saw?!

After celebrating Sham's 30th birthday, me, Nad, Brian, Bob, and Sham himself, going out for having a dinner. After some discussion on route, Sham was decide to bring us to special restaurant at Ladang, Kuala Terengganu. Oh no.. Actually I forgot to see and take a picture for the name of that restaurant! Darn it! My mistake..From long to the short, after finishing our dinner, we were going to move our ass from that restaurant. At that time, Izuan was calling Sham's mobile. He'd order a hot coffee to take away. So again I went to that restaurant...

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nokia N85 : I wanna buy this phone! :P

Nokia N85, the latest Nokia Nseries multimedia computer made to set new standards for mobile entertainment, gaming and sharing. Along with an eye-catching 2.6" OLED screen and smooth, sleek finish, the Nokia N85 redefines the mobile experience. It boasts N-Gage gaming, music with in-built FM transmitter, 5 megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics and geotagging capabilities, three month integrated license for turn-by-turn voice navigation and high-speed connectivity, all in one device. The Nokia N85 is expected to begin shipping in October 2008...

Pay Per Click : Google Search-Based Keyword Tool

The Official Adwords blog just announced that they have released another tool called Search-based Keyword Tool (beta). With the help of this brand new tool an Advertiser can now make a better sense of what his potential customers are searching for and which keywords he should advertise on.How Does Google Search-Based Keyword Tool WorksBarry Schwartz at Search Engine Land has already done a more detailed review of Google Search-Based Keyword Tool.What it does is, basically it looks at your pages and finds out keyword that people are searching for...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

This is what happened when Ah Pek speaks BM..

Apek: Lu potong zaka ada bagut ka? Ali: Manyak bagus. Bila lu potong haa, lu punya barang manyak bersih loo...Apek: ?!! err ... saya kawan ala cakap, potong zaka aaahh.... manyak ploblem..Ali: Apa problem?Apek: Manyak buang lui, lagi aahh ... dia punya performance tadak bagut.. manyak cinang semputloh ...Ali: Cehh... apek, lu apa cerita... saya suda lama potong..tada apa problem... bini saya manyak puas woo...Apek: Lu mini puas sama itu potong zaka ka? Ali: Ya laa. Bila lu potong aahh... lagi sedap main lagi lambat...

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